Finding a Personal Trainer

Keeping fit is something I’m passionate about. Getting active and hot and sweaty makes me feel sensational so it’s no small thing for me to decide to want t a personal trainer. I’ve had one before – twice a week to get me doing exercises I wouldn’t normally do, not an incredibly challenging brief for a PT. But now, I know what I want.

Have pushed myself physically and mentally for 9 months through five 1.5 hour sessions of muay thai, boxing and MMA (with the odd BJJ and judo lesson thrown in to round things out) my requirements for a PT are more specific. I want someone who has fought or is fighting professionally now, someone who won’t treat me like a girl and someone who will help me perfect my technique.

I’ve been referred to ‘PT L’ (let’s call him that in case it doesn’t work out) and he’s fought professionally and focuses on technique in the striking elements of MMA…all sounds good so far. He can only do mornings, not preferable for me but willing to work something out. Might be time to call on flexi time at work!

What I want is someone to get me back into the MMA frame of mind and body so I can get the most out of group classes where they don’t focus so much on technique. Depending on how much he costs will determine how often I see him…if he’s outstanding I’ll commit, if not I’ll keep shopping around…

I’m auditioning him with a free trial session he offers browsing clients next week. Will let you know how it goes.


Staying Healthy by Doing What You Love

PlanBig is a client of Edelman where I work. It’s a community formed around a website where people can post their plans – no matter how big or small – and it’s up to the community to chip in with their advice, knowledge and whatever else they can lend so the plans can come to fruition.

There is a wonderful mix of plans at the community level such as setting up local venues for homeless youth, to people looking for tips for planning overseas holidays, and people seeking help for their small businesses. There is even a planner who will be flying solo around the world!

Plans are categorised so you can check out the ideas that interest you or where you have expertise to lend. And many of the plans are part of a bigger picture idea such as raising awareness and funds for disadvantaged groups, charities and causes.

One of the categories I like to browse is health and a couple of weeks ago I contributed a blog post for this category. Many people have posted plans to get fit and healthy, asking for advice about training schedules, exercises, diets, anything to help them shed kilos and improve their fitness.

Below is a snapshot of my blog post. For the full post visit the PlanBig website here.

Caveat: it was my colleagues insistence that I be called an ‘MMA expert’ but that is far too complimentary I feel! But, PlanBig is her client so I let it roll.




PS: since I’m on a roll with this theme I’m thinking about writing my blog post for Edelman comparing PR to MMA!

Experiencing the MCG and Twenty20 Cricket

Last Friday night I had my first MCG (the famous Melbourne Cricket Ground) experience and my first live cricket attendance; and what a great way to do it – at the Twenty20 International with Australia defeating England in a close game.

Living within walking distance to the MCG is a blessing when living in Melbourne …well, so I am told by those who actually go to sporting games and events at the stadium which is pretty much everyone as this is where the AFL is played. I’ve avoided going, not because I haven’t wanted to but because there hasn’t been anything I felt passionate enough to go for.

Friday’s adventure was with work (thank you Edelman!) and my client Dave from Shoplist came along too. Dave’s well versed in the art of attending the MCG and good company at the company event. We sat third row from the front eagerly awaiting the pyrotechnic feature flames that blazed for sixes and when people got out.

About a third of the group had not been to such an event before and we had a great time dodging inflatable balls, swooning over old-timer Brett Lee, eating stadium food, drinking out of plastic cups and cringing at the random dancers in white.

And the cricket was exciting too, as cricket goes, when the last few balls decided who won. I’ve watched plenty on TV before but the atmosphere of being there live was enough for me to agree to get down there next AFL season.

Facing Fears

Last week I was lucky enough to have my sister visit. She had been indoor rock climbing with some friends in Sydney recently and thought it would be a fun activity for us to do here. There is a place in the city called The Hardrock Climbing Company I’ve seen many times and thought ‘I’d really like to go there’ but alas I’ve not yet found the right person to go with here in Melbourne. I also have a fear of heights.

When my fear sets in I freeze and can’t move my arms or legs. It happened at the Women’s Health Expo earlier in the year on a meager 3 metre wall… I saw something on the Hardrock website about a 17 metre wall…

And so we decided to meet after work one evening. It was pouring rain and we arrived looking like drowned rats but very excited. I was more nervous than excited but tried to channel all of that energy into excitement. And knowing she had climbed recently was a huge comfort – at least one of us had recent experience!

We harnessed up and had our training session with a guy who was exactly like your would imagine a rock climbing dude to be like. And then we were left to our own devices.

There are hand/foot holds up the wall with different colours marking out the different skill levels. We hung around the 13 level which was challenging. I cheated and used whatever holds I could reach but my sister was focused and disciplined and practiced enough to stick to the one route.

We conquered the walls making it all the way to the top – my sister on all her climbs and mine about 80 per cent. We even championed a small overhang. Our arms were aching and so were our faces and stomachs from laughing so much. I had such a great time and was so proud of her climbing ability and fearlessness.

This is one of the best times I’ve had in Melbourne so far. Thank you my beautiful sister. x

P.S. would recommend this as a fun activity and something different, especially if it’s raining! We spent about two hours there – lots of fun!







Picture: Hardrock Climbing

Headache remedies

Yesterday was a stunning sunny day here in Melbourne but unfortunately for me I was inside sleeping the day away with a horrid headache that began on Saturday night. I made sure I drank plenty of water to make sure I was hydrated, dehydration is a common cause of headaches, and took some Nurofen but it just didn’t seem to cut it. Today I’m feeling much better but vision feels a little jumpy.

Some people suggested applying pressure to pressure points in my hand and elbow… what are your headache solutions?