I am an awkward teenage boy

In a recent video interview about social media that I had taken by the lovely George Hall at Tweet Up Mellers (#twums) last Thursday I am now most certain about the fact that I am awkward in front of a camera. Having already established my awkwardness in front of cameras, it is no surprise that I turn into a freakish being when in front of a camera. However, this highlights the importance of media training for anyone who may be speaking to stakeholders, the media or any audience whom they would not normally confront on a regular basis. There is nothing worse than seeing the authority spokesperson turn into an awkward teenage boy in front of a camera; worse when it is during crisis management.

Media training is essential for credibility, strength of message and maintaining an authoritative and trustworthy voice. I think I’ll get some hours up practicing video blogging … although that is not to say the practice footage will ever see they light of day!

NB: my awkwardness does not by any means reflect the talents of George; it’s all mine.