Costco, Trippy Tacos, Pajama Men, Red Door Antiques, ANZAC biscuits

Last weekend I was blessed with my sister’s company. Alex came to see shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and, of course, to see me (reads: use my apartment for free accommodation).

On Saturday morning we kicked off with a trip to Costco and it delighted just as much as I expected it would. Luckily for me, it lived up to the hype I have created about how good it is. Alex indulged in American brand bulk sports socks (which took her over the hand-luggage limit!), velvet non-slip coat-hangers and a huge packet of connector pen textas which we bought for our artfully skilled younger cousin.

That afternoon we headed to Trippy Taco on Smith Street, Collingwood. We shared the Original Trippy Taco and Bean Nachos. Both delicious and we loved the onion table identifier instead of table numbers so the staff could deliver our food. It was also just a short walk from my place, a welcome rest after the big Costco shop.

That night we joined some of my sister’s friends also from Sydney and went to see the Pajama Men – Shenoah Allen and Mark who brought to spectrum of different characters to life in their sketch comedy piece that was high energy, sophisticated, hilarious, intense and just downright clever. It’s a must see if you get the chance (I think they are in Sydney at the Opera House next). We met the boys outside the Melbourne Town Hall – my sister and her friends from past MICFs where they have performed as The Delusionists. They were delightful, down to earth, appreciative of the audience and perhaps trying to pick up my sister….

On Sunday we went to Red Door Antiques for Yum Cha with some of my lovely Melbourne friends. The shop is decked out with antique furniture and stunning handcrafted pieces. We shared a mix of dumplings, pork and chicken buns, spare ribs, green tea ice cream and custard buns, washed down with Jasmine tea. The food is beautiful and the quality reflects the pricey pieces. Each dish is slow to emerge from the kitchen as we (I) was losing my patience, especially when only a third of our order had come out and they asked if we were going to order anything else…

It is not your typical yum cha where the food is fast and plentiful so I don’t recommend this place if you are ravenous and want the onslaught of food. But I would recommend this place for somewhere quirky, quiet, quaint, amusing and high-end; a long lunch of yum cha dishes.

Last night Alex saw a few more shows and hit a few more bars while I played housewife cooking a minestrone and baking ANZAC biscuits which I packed for her 6:50am flight and brought to the parkyoung/The Ledbetter Agency office today. All enjoyed. All gone!

Costco – oh yeeeeeah!

Last weekend I became a member of Costco. This may seem like an uneventful, even mundane activity to do on a weekend but those of you who know me will understand my excitement.

There is such a diverse offering from TVs to diamonds to fresh food, pre-prepared and packaged meals, alcohol, outdoor settings, snack foods, frozen food, clothing, books, DVDs, stationary and more. The brands are a mis of recognisable household brands and some US labels in the mix to keep things interesting.

The main idea is to buy in bulk which means a lot of the items are fairly cheaper. For someone living in a household of one this offering is kind of useless except that I have lots of storage space and friends who will split some items such as the 40 rolls of toilet paper.

When I went last weekend to become a member I took the tram so this limited my purchase to bulk mints, a pack of nectarines, 1 kg liquorice (about $5) and tuna (12 cans for $15). Next time I go will be by car so I can make a serious purchase. After signing up I collected my giant shopping trolley which was discarded soon after.

I will be going back for the big bags of frozen veg and berries, fresh food, bread to freeze and alcohol that is marginally cheaper. Most exciting for me is their availability of the best vodka. Ever. CÎROC.

They also have a diner-style cafeteria where you can buy giant pizza slices (each piece the size of a whole pizza), ice cream and other fat-laden heart-attacks-waiting-to-happen. No wonder Americans are fatty boombahladas.

Definitely the most fun you can have with a $60 membership.